
Maternal Health Project Group (MHPG)


  • There are few medicines licensed during pregnancy.
  • The need for work in maternal health landscape has been reflected by many organisations.
  • MHPG is a multi-stakeholder group (MHRA, HRA, academia, industry) which first met in October 2020.
  • Set up to address the issue of a deficit of licensed medicines and treatments designed and researched for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

MHPG 2021 objectives

To work towards the vision and considering the specific needs, ongoing work and expertise in the MHPG, the objectives to address in 2021 are:

  • Increase involvement in Clinical Trials (CTs).
  • Drive investment into research.
  • Produce a guide on available datasets & promote its use.
  • Raise awareness of the issues and the work being undertaken.

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023