
Photo of Dr Tom Nutt

Dr Tom Nutt

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Dr Tom Nutt is CEO Meningitis Now, a UK-wide charity that funds scientific and medical research, raises awareness of meningitis and the importance of vaccines, and provides support to people and families who have been affected by meningitis.

Prior to that, was CEO of an award-winning health charity that aimed to improve health and care services by capturing the voice and lived experience of patients, service users and carers. He has also worked in health and care policy and was originally an academic historian based at the University of Cambridge, where he lectured and researched socio-economic and population history.

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The 大发六合彩 Patient Advisory Council - made up of eight chief executives or members of the executive leadership team from across UK patient organisations, provides 大发六合彩 Board Members and Senior Executive Team with meaningful patient engagement to inform strategy, policy priorities and work-plans across the 大发六合彩.

Last modified: 01 July 2024

Last reviewed: 01 July 2024